Album art and release date revealed!
Posted by admin on March 2, 2015 Blog | News | | No commentsINKVISITOR – DOCTRINE OF DAMNATION
Inkvisitor’s upcoming debut album is entitled Doctrine of Damnation and it will be out initially on 1.4.2015. First single from the album is Damnation and it will be released with music video in early March. The album was recorded in Jyväskylä by Kalle Raijonkari of Ruho Productions and mixed & mastered by Simo Pussinen. The album was produced by Jesse Kämäräinen and co-produced by Pekka Löhönen. Since the band was lacking a bass player at the time, Pekka also contributed the bass lines for the album as a sessio musician. Album art was made by Mad Matt Design.
Lyrically the band has moved forward and abandoned all beer and booze related topics and came up with a bit more serious topics such as social downfall, apathy among youth, challenging the reign of elder generations and economical distress. The album also features some lighter topics such as alien abduction, being cooked alive in a giant microwave oven and a tribute song for Hellraiser. There is also a foreign element present: one song is written in german and few song revolve loosely around greek mythology. The album features one “cover song”: Laulu Synnyinseudulle (Oi päivät seutuvilla Päijänteen) by Aulis Raitala. The song has been heard during summertime throughout Jyväskylä since 1976 and is considered as a regional anthem for all people living in Jyväskylä area.
On the musical department the songs have much more guitar harmonies, melodies, and faster tempos than it’s predecessor Delirious Tales. The songs are also much more cohesive and form much tigther entirety. Sound wise the record took a giant leap on a better direction. The band opted for not to quantize and excessively trigger drum tracks and not to use modeling or digital amps, which resulted in an organic yet aggressive overall sound.
The Crusade
Three Phases of Disembodiment
Abduction at Night
J-Town Anthem
Eine Box (Mobile Shredding Unit)
nataS ageM
Nothing to Live For
Hellbound For Carnal Knowledge
Claim What is Yours

Inkvisitor is: Jesse Kämäräinen, Petteri Milan, Aapo Vuori and Lauri Huttunen. Photo by Jaakko Manninen.